In the world of radiator technology, there are many varieties of forms of radiators. All the radiators are not the same so you can be confused about which one will be the most efficient for your house. When choosing a radiator the important point is that different radiators can be suitable for every house or building in terms of their efficiency. For example, the size of your house, the location of the radiator or many other things will affect or change the heating positively or negatively. We mean that if you have a larger room, which you want to heat, the radiator that you will choose can change the efficiency of your radiator. So if you want to upgrade your radiator in terms of energy efficiency, you should know which radiator can be more suitable and efficient for your home or building.
We, here, want to help you learn which type of radiator can be the best choice and efficient for your house as well as reduce the impact of your home on the environment or save your money.
What types of radiators are suitable for your house?
The electric radiators are the radiators that run with electricity. It can be the best choice in homes with a lack of gas supply. One of the biggest advantages of these radiators is their installing easily. If you have a smaller house, electric radiators can be a perfect choice. The electric radiators can be installed on the walls or floor so they take up little space. Due to their small size, they are cost and energy-efficient.
Dual fuel radiators are radiators that work with both central heating or electricity. These types of radiators allow choosing the electric supply whenever you want to and since they can also work independently from the central heating system. So, this provides great energy efficiency by turning off the central heating system and working the electric supply to heat your room that you want even in summer.
What materials of radiators are more efficient?
*Aluminium radiators are those which heat up and cool down quickly. The aluminium radiators are the best conductor of heat. Aluminium is recycled so it is also environmentally friendly. Because of having little water inside, corrosion doesn't occur too much. Due to this fact, they do not require frequent maintenance except annual maintenance. The aluminium radiators are energy efficient as it maintains the temperature for a certain period.

*Stainless steel radiators are efficient radiators that are durable and suitable for your budget. The stainless steel radiators take longer to cool down than the aluminium; it means that they will warm your room for a while even if your heating system is off. From this point of view, we can say that these radiators are more effective.
*Cast iron radiators are energy efficient radiators that will gradually cool down. The conductivity of cast iron is higher than that of steel. After being turned off, these radiators warm the room long. This is a great advantage for the customers who think to buy an efficient radiator.
What shapes of radiators give more efficient?

*Vertical radiators are the radiators that can give sufficient heat for your room according to the size and shape of your room. The BTU calculator can help you with what heat you need to heat your room. For your smaller places, it can heat quickly and easily.

*Column radiators are traditionally-styled radiators that have an efficient way of heating your home. These radiators heat your large room effectively due to the space between each column.
In short, when we consider the above points, we see that there are many options for the needs of the house. Of course, the radiators we have mentioned above have pros or cons when we compared them to each other. With the examples of the different radiators, we gave in our article we have tried to show you that there are much variety of radiators which offer you many options. So you can have a radiator which is energy efficient. For this purpose, you can take a look at the variety of radiators on our site.