How to Replace Storage Heaters with Electric Heating

How to Replace Storage Heaters with Electric HeatingIn the ever-evolving landscape of home heating solutions, electric heating has emerged as a frontrunner, offering homeowners a blend of efficiency, convenience, and advanced control not typically associated with traditional storage heaters. The transition from storage heaters to modern electric heating systems is a move towards a more sustainable and cost-effective home environment.

Understanding the Shift from Storage Heaters to Electric Heating

Storage heaters, once the mainstay of electric heating in homes without access to mains gas, operate by storing thermal energy during off-peak electricity hours and releasing it throughout the day. However, with the advancement in technology, electric heating systems have significantly evolved.

Modern electric heaters are designed to be far more energy-efficient, providing heat on demand and reducing wasted energy. Unlike storage heaters, which can leave you chilly by evening, electric heaters ensure a consistent level of warmth, whenever it's required.

The Benefits of Electric Heating Over Storage Heaters

One of the key advantages of electric heating systems is their ability to provide instant heat. With features like programmable timers and thermostats, they offer unparalleled control over your heating, allowing you to heat specific areas of your home without wasting energy. Additionally, electric heaters typically have a lower installation cost and require minimal maintenance, making them a more cost-effective option in the long run.

Incorporating Smart Technology for Enhanced Control

The integration of smart technology takes the functionality of electric heating systems to a new level. Smart electric heaters can be controlled via smartphones or tablets, giving you the power to adjust settings from anywhere, at any time. This not only adds a layer of convenience but also enhances energy efficiency, as you can turn the heating on or off as needed, even when you're not at home.

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Selecting the Right Electric Heating System for Your Home

When selecting an electric heating system, it's essential to consider the size of the area you wish to heat, as well as the insulation properties of your home. Opt for a system that offers flexible programming and has a good energy efficiency rating to ensure maximum benefits.

Installation and Maintenance: A Hassle-Free Process

The installation process for electric heating systems is typically quick and straightforward, causing minimal disruption to your home. They require no pipework or flues, meaning they can be installed with less structural alteration. Maintenance is equally hassle-free, with no annual checks required, unlike gas or oil systems.

Financial Incentives and Environmental Impact

Switching to electric heating can also offer financial incentives, such as reduced energy bills and potential grants for energy-efficient home improvements. Environmentally, electric heating is a cleaner alternative, with the potential to be powered by renewable energy sources, contributing to a reduction in carbon emissions.

Maximising the Efficiency of Your Electric Heating

To maximise the efficiency of your electric heating system, ensure that your home is well-insulated, and consider using energy-efficient appliances throughout. Upgrading to double glazing and investing in good quality insulation can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your electric heating system.


Replacing storage heaters with electric heating systems is not only a step towards modernising your home but also an investment in a more energy-efficient and cost-effective future. With the right system in place, you can enjoy a warm, comfortable home environment, tailored to your specific needs, with the added benefit of reducing your carbon footprint.

Replacing Storage Heaters with Electric Heating FAQ

FAQ 1: What are the primary steps to replace storage heaters with electric heating?

To replace storage heaters with electric heating, first, evaluate your current heating requirements and insulation quality. Then, select an appropriate electric heater with the desired features, such as programmability and energy efficiency ratings. Arrange for a professional electrician to handle the installation, ensuring it complies with safety regulations. Finally, dispose of your old storage heaters responsibly, following local council guidelines for electrical waste.

FAQ 2: Can I install electric heaters myself, or do I need a professional?

It is strongly recommended to hire a qualified electrician to install your electric heating system. This ensures that the installation is carried out safely and in accordance with the UK's electrical safety standards. DIY installations could pose serious risks and may invalidate your home insurance or heater warranty.

FAQ 3: How cost-effective is electric heating compared to storage heaters?

Electric heating can be more cost-effective than storage heaters due to improved energy efficiency, precise temperature control, and reduced waste of heat. Modern electric heaters can heat up quickly on demand, which means you are only using energy when you need it, potentially leading to lower electricity bills.

FAQ 4: Are there any government grants available for switching to electric heating?

Yes, there may be government grants and incentives available to help offset the cost of switching to a more energy-efficient electric heating system. It's advisable to check with energy-saving trust websites or local government resources for the latest information on available funding.

FAQ 5: How do I choose the right type of electric heater for my home?

Choosing the right electric heater depends on several factors, including the size of the room, level of insulation, and your specific heating needs. Look for heaters with programmable timers and adjustable thermostats for better control. It's also wise to consider heaters with a high energy efficiency rating to maximise cost savings and environmental benefits. Consulting with a heating specialist can provide tailored advice for your circumstances.

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