Do Designer Radiators Provide Good Heat? Efficiency and Style Compared


What can the customers expect from a radiator? Of course, there may be many answers to this question such as its function, look and performance. There are many changes and innovations in radiator market. Today you can see different options of radiators. Firstly radiator might be thought as only heater for your home. By the technological devices and increasing people’s desire for style or aesthetics we can meet the modern heaters; designer radiators. Choosing the right designer radiator is not easy to do that. So, you can find some tips or answers for the benefits or the lackness of them.


Before responding to this significant question, we should know about what a designer radiator is. A designer radiator offfer heat and warmth with stylish designs in your house, restaurant or cafe. When you can find the best designer radiator for your place, the result will most probably satisfy you.

Reina Designer Radiator

When we compare the designer radiator with traditional radiators you can think that the traditional radiators can give much more warmth than designer radiators. However, at the same time designer radiators give sufficient heat  according to your need, too. How?

We want to focus on some points about  the heating performance of designer radiators.

1) How hot you need?

Of course, a designer radiator doesn’t offer the same heating as a standard radiator. However, it doesn’t mean that  designer radiator doesn’t give sufficient heat for the bathroom. The issue is that how much output you need to heat your room properly. If you find the best designer radiator, it will help keep you warm during the colder seasons.

2) Which model you choose?

The right model for your bathroom provides you to have a warm place you need. For this, there are many designs for designer radiators such as vertical, column or horizontal designer radiators. Choosing the best model that suits to your room  will give you the proper heat for your place efficiently. For instance vertical radiators are great for bathrooms and other places which are not large. If we talk about the horizontal designer radiators, they can be more advantageous when it comes to efficiency. You can learn the details of these radiators from our website.

3) The efficiency of designer radiators

Most of the people are getting used to traditional radiators. However, since the popularity of the designer radiator is increasing day by day, the customers can see the latest technology in designer radiator. We should take into consideration how much heat a designer radiator will add to your bathroom. You can see the convection fins which circulate the warm air to increase the contact surface with the surrounding air, in a standard radiator. Unfortunately, some of designer radiators have lack of this feature. So you can think that designer radiators  are not as efficient as standard radiators. Nevertheless, designer radiators can work out well according to locating designer radiator in proper place at your home.

4) Finishes/ colours used for designer radiator

In designer radiators there are many variety of colours. According to the colour/finish that you choose your warming significantly changes. For example, the finishes like chrome or black radiators are a big factor  for the sufficient heat because they don’t tend  to emit. However, selecting the right  material for designer radiators like aluminium radiators which are ideal for the smaller places and cast iron radiators which are ideal for larger houses, you can be sure that the  heat output will be more.

5) The location of designer radiators

Why is the location important for designer radiators? The right positioning of designer radiators will have a great impact on the heating of your living room or bathroom at your home. So, when  you can find the right position to install the designer radiator, it will provide to reduce the effect of the cold air and have a warmer bathroom.

Regarding the issues that we have mentioned above, although  designer radiators seem to have some lackness when compared to traditional  radiators, you can get an effective warming with the right choices for designer radiators such as location, colour, model or size. Bear in mind that designer radiators are the radiators that are not only  for heating, but also significantly change the appearance of your room and enhance its beauty.

You can find our designer radiator in below link:

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